Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ready for an outing

The sun was shining and there was that smell in the air, the smell of chill air (almost like snow on the way...which apparently it is...dude), and the trees were gorgeous colors, so I couldn't resist throwing the kids into outdoor clothing and going for a walk. I didn't expect it to result in so much cuteness, though. (Thanks to sister Michelle for the cute outdoor thingy...I think she called it a "pram")

Look at how cute she is, all snuggled up and ready to go for a walk on a chilly autumn day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well, apparently Maia is allergic to normal formula. Unless it's just a coincidence that she threw up about 1-2 hours after eating formula, on three different occasions. She hadn't had formula since I started work, since I was pumping enough. But my supply has been dwindling slowly, and so finally she caught up to what we had stored and there wasn't enough to get her through the next day. So she had a feeding with formula. She didn't seem thrilled about it, and later she threw up. We thought maybe it's because the can of formula had been opened a while ago, so maybe it had spoiled. We got new formula, and a few days later we had to use formula again. Same thing. The pediatrician wasn't convinced, and we thought maybe we just weren't washing the bottles well enough. So, we made sure bottles were double-washed, sterilized, you name it. She really didn't want to eat the formula but got about a half ounce, and about 2 hours later she threw up. So, we were convinced. Pediatrician (or rather, the nurses) still weren't convinced but they said to move onto to Soy Isomil and see if that made things better. So, Matt is going to run out and get some soon, and we'll have to try that tomorrow. Here's hoping it works.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Half a Year

The months just keep flying by. It seems like it was only a week ago that I was posting about Maia being 5 months. And now Maia is 6 months old. That's right...six! Half a year! (as of October 22nd) Holy cow, where is all the time going?! I don't feel like I can keep up with it. And I am definitely not taking enough pictures to share her cuteness.

Let's see. I just weighed her a few days ago, and she was almost 16 pounds...15lbs 12oz. She's slowing down in her weight gain, but still very chunky, especially in the thighs. She's outgrown the top part of her pack-n-play (bassinet), and she's starting to get a bit heavy to carry around in her car seat carrier, though she has about 6 more pounds to go before she grows out of that. As a result of growing out of the pack-n-play top, we packed that away and brought out the bouncer/exerciser. She had to get the hang of it, but she liked it eventually.

So much that she fell asleep in it. Many times.

I already shared that she has started solid foods, though it hasn't quite been a week yet. We switched from cereal to bananas, which she really loves. Although she didn't mind the rice cereal after we added the cinnamon to it. And we've found that the feedings go a little better if we give her her own spoon to play with.S

She rolls over a lot, and she does it really quickly. So quickly that walking away from her changing table for an instant to throw away a diaper resulted in me finding her like this:

When she is on her belly, she really gets her legs kicking and moving. She sometimes manages to turn in a partial circle. She wants to crawl SO badly. I honestly believe she will be way ahead of Liam in the crawling department. She often tuckers herself out and naps right there on the floor.

She is making a lot of progress at sitting up on her own, as well. Over the last few days, I have been able to get her to hover upright for longer and longer. Just a week ago she would hover upright for about a second or three, and then fall over. Or she would slowly lean forward, folding in half, unable to keep herself up. NOW, she will stay upright for almost a minute if she has her balance just right, and I can see her catching herself as she starts to tilt one way or the other. In another month I won't have to be there next to her to make sure she doesn't fall over...she'll be a pro at keeping herself up.

What else can I share? She has quiet moments and talkative moments, and complainative (is that a word?) moments. Her complaints are now more in the form of humming/blowing bubbles through tight lips, while furrowing her brow. It's very hard to describe, but kind of cute to watch. You can tell she is angry, or indignant. She is laughing a lot more, but it's still not the belly laughs that Liam had. She is still more silent with her laughs, and when she does make a sound, it's a sharp, staccato sound. Cute, very cute...but I can't wait until the belly laughs. And of course, Liam is the best at getting her to really laugh. She loves watching his antics, though lately she has gotten a bit annoyed at how much "love" her brother will bestow upon her. There is just so much hugging of her, kissing of her face, and talking to her that she can tolerate. And he has already gotten annoyed at her touching his toys. *sigh* The sibling wars are already starting. Sheesh.
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of Maia and Liam together. But here are some with Daddy.

Oh, and we got her pirate-themed pajamas. Arggghhhhh! (Liam, of course, provided the stylish head gear)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Open wide...

On Monday, Maia took yet another step forward...

..solid food! We fed her rice cereal, which Liam was amused at, and which she didn't seem too fond of. Very bland. She kept making wrinkled up faces and you would if you ate something really sour. The next two nights, on a suggestion from an online article, we added a bit of cinnamon to her cereal and that went over much better. She ate it all up both times.
So far we haven't noticed a difference in, um, her diapers...but I am sure it won't be long. We are entering the world of truly stinky diapers. Heh.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sick Little Girl

Do you know how horrible it is to have to hold your 5.5-month-old child in your arms while they throw up? To see the look of confusion and upset in their eyes and on their face, as they stare at you wondering why you aren't stopping whatever is happening them. To feel their little body tense up each time they get sick, their little hands clenching and their face turning red. Horrible...absolutely horrible.

I had to go through that with Liam when he was only a little over 4 months old, but time has dulled the emotions of that experience. Last night, it was all fresh again as Maia got sick repeatedly. Not sure what caused it, but she didn't have a fever and it was over in a few hours, so most likely it was something she ate. Her last bottle before I came home from work was one of formula, because we had run out of the pumped breastmilk. Though she had had formula the first week I returned to work in mid-August, she hadn't had any since then. And even though the formula cannister was sealed, perhaps it went bad somehow. The nurse said that formula keeps for a while, but the can does say to discard one month after opening, and it had first been opened at the very end of April. So, maybe that's what did it. I just know that I was completely surprised when I picked up a cranky Maia as soon as I got home and she greeted me by throwing up ALL over me. And then she proceeded to throw up about 7 more times throughout the course of the evening, with the last few times bringing up very little, as she wasn't eating anything I offered her.
But by 9pm (3 hours later), she suddenly was feeling a lot better...playing with her feet and hands, talking and cooing, and smiling, and indicating that she wanted to eat. I was supposed to feed her for only 5 minutes and then wait 30 minutes to try again, but she was NOT happy with that. I ended up feeding her only 20 minutes apart, and giving her almost 10 minutes the second time. And then she fed for a while right before we went to bed, around 11pm. And this morning she was REALLY happy and REALLY REALLY hungry. All better.

But man...I really hope it's a while before she gets sick again. I HATED how much it upset her, and knowing what she was feeling without being able to explain it to her at all. Unfortunately, at some point she will go to daycare (whenever fate finally finds a job for my husband again), and I am sure she will get sick at least a few times in the beginning, as she builds up her immune system. *sigh*