Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Monday, February 13, 2012

Maia on the move

My little girl is on the move and getting better at it! She can move very fast on her belly now, and can turn very quickly. She often tries to pull herself up from her belly, or from a sitting position, wanting to stand. She is becoming better at pushing herself from her belly back up to a sitting position. She always wants to walk places. She will reach out and try to grab your fingers, and then start trying to walk away...she wants you to "walk her" around the room. Your fingers might not even be in range or in view...she will absent-mindedly grope for your hands where they SHOULD be if you were going to walk her around the room, as if expecting that you are going to be right there ready to do her bidding. And she cranks if you don't comply. And she is getting much better at the walking. She still has to work on her coordination, but she's less wobbly and places her feet better. She can get going at a good clip at times.

AND, today...TODAY, she managed to get herself from lying on her belly to fully standing up. I was sitting on the floor, with my legs under me (so, sitting on my heels). Maia had belly-crawled up to my knees. She put her hands on my knees, and instead of pushing up with her hands and doing a backbend as usual (which never helped her up), she instead got up onto her knees, then straighted her legs and pushed her tush up into the air...and then pushed up with her hands, finally raising up to standing, moving her hands to my shirt front for better stability. It was done in just a few seconds, without any wobble, as if she's been doing it for weeks, instead of for the first time.
I got so excited! And so did she! There was much excitement and laughing. I am not sure she knew why I was excited, just that I was...and that made her happy.

Full mobility is only around the corner.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Today was Maia's first day at Daycare! Apparently it went pretty well. Though we forgot to bring in wipes (oops). And she was apparently afraid of the caretaker in the afternoon. But the woman (Jeri) said that as long as she stayed on the opposite end of the room, Maia was fine. So it was ony when she needed to change her diaper that Maia got fussy.
I can't believe it, though. She's finally at daycare. My little girl is out socializing at what I consider to be a version of school. Of course, our plan was to have her at daycare a lot sooner than this. We were going to put her in back in September, when she was 5 or so months. But we were waiting for Matt to get a job. And kept waiting. And we are still waiting for him to get a job (sucks), but we didn't want to keep putting off her introduction to daycare. She is starting to become clingy, and leary of strangers, and so we wanted to get her into a different environment. Also, she is at a point where she could use learning what daycare has to teach her. AND it gives Matt a break, gives him a chance to do some of the things that he needs to concentrate on. So...daycare it is. And hopefully she won't be hit by all the nasty germs too hard or quickly. Liam was sick his second week of daycare...hopefully she will fare better.

Sorry, rambling. Tired. Leaving now.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sitting Up Tall

Today Maia hit another milestone. She learned how to sit herself up. Up until now she hasn't been able to figure out how to go from lying on her belly to sitting up. She can go from sitting up to down on her belly, but once there, she could only crawl around, or roll onto her back, and eventually complain about being horizontal. But today, I left her on her belly playing with Liam's puzzle, with Matt and Liam nearby on the couch looking at flashcards, and when I came back downstairs from my errand, she was sitting up, half on the puzzle. I commented to Matt about sitting her up, and he said that he hadn't moved her. I knew Liam couldn't have done it, but I asked him anyway. Nope, she had done it herself.
About a half hour later, she was back on her belly again. I looked away for a few minutes, doing something on my iPhone, and then Liam exclaimed "Mommy, she did it again!" I looked up, and sure enough, she was sitting. I was excited. I laid her down on her belly to watch her again, which she complained about. Then she crawled around a bit on her belly. But finally I got to see her in action. She raised up onto her toes, and pushed herself back with her hands, letting her legs fold under her, and then she was back on her seat again, sitting pretty. Liam and I got so excited...he gave her a hug, and she gave us her goofy grin and clapped her hands.
I am so proud!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

More growing up

I am so behind on posting, I know. A lot has been going on, and I also tend to want to post pictures when I have updates on Maia. But that is so time consuming. So I am just going to start posting textual updates as much as possible, and throw up pictures when I have time. So...check back in a few days for pictures (hopefully).

Maia is now 9 months old, as of January 22nd. She has done a lot of growing. In the mobility department, she is going everywhere. She isn't doing a full crawl, but she can move very fast by pulling herself along with her arms, and pushing with her feet/toes. We had to put both sets of gates up, because she tries to follow us everywhere. And unlike Liam at her age, she is unhappy when she reaches the edges of her domain...she wants OUT! She is also flirting with actually getting up on her hands and knees, and has lifted herself off the ground a few times. She ALMOST did a half-crawl motion, but then pushed herself backwards and then got back onto her belly again. It's only a matter of time before she learns to keep her belly off the ground and move forward.
She also wants to stand all the time. Try to put her down on the ground, she won't bend her legs. She wants to stand, and hold onto you. And climb onto you. And walk. Yes, she wants to grab your fingers and walk around. She still isn't great at it, but at times she gets it right...left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. Other times, she widens her legs as she walks, or moves the same leg twice, or in different directions. But she is really trying. And she really wants to just get going. I have a hard time believing she won't be walking by her first birthday. Of course, I kept thinking Liam would be walking and it took him another three or four months to finally get walking. But still...Maia is about two months ahead of where Liam was at her age.

Her "talking" keeps changing. Different sounds, different patterns. She sometimes likes to imitate. Other times she just repeats the same sound over and over again. Sometimes she gets very loud and insistent, and sometimes very quiet. Sometimes she seems like she is responding to you. Sometimes you can tell she is calling to Liam, trying to get his attention. Cute little girl.
She has an awesome chubby-cheeked smile. Makes me want to just nibble off those round apples of her cheeks. Heh. She still only has two teeth, but they are fully out. Liam took a while to get his other teeth, so she'll probably be the same way. She doesn't have the belly laughs that Liam had, but normal laughs. Sometimes I can get her to giggle. But you have to work on getting her to laugh a lot. She tends to smile a lot...silent laughing.
I need to weigh her again. Her last weight at her appointment was 17lbs 6oz, which is under what I had weighed her at almost a month before that. I weighed her again on my scale and it was about the same as what I had weighed her at before...18lbs 4oz. Which seemed to show she hasn't gained any weight. She sure seems chunky enough, and the doctors weren't concerned, but she IS dropping lower and lower in her weight percentile. And her height is dropping even lower. Maybe the doctors aren't concerned, but I am. I guess it's not a surprise that she is a shorty, but still, she should be maintaining her weight percentile...or at least dropping more slowly. I guess we have to step up the feeding. I am still breastfeeding her...sort of. Stress from work and a number of other things have severely reduced my supply. So morning is the only time where I can feed her fully. Any other feeding needs a follow-up bottle. And by evening I am nothing more than an appetizer. We also feed her solid food, but we aren't feeding her enough of that, I guess. We need to be better about that.
Maia is sleeping through the night. Totally great. Unless something is really bothering her (going to bed without eating enough, or a stuffy nose, or poopy diaper), she stays asleep all night, as far as we can tell. And she usually wakes up in a great mood. I'll hear her in there talking away, or "singing". And she will keep herself amused for a while. And then when I go in to see her, she is all smiles and excitement!

I am sure there is more I need to say about her, but it's getting late and having trouble thinking clearly. I am sure once I get around to posting pictures, that will remind me of a few more things.