Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Monday, February 6, 2012


Today was Maia's first day at Daycare! Apparently it went pretty well. Though we forgot to bring in wipes (oops). And she was apparently afraid of the caretaker in the afternoon. But the woman (Jeri) said that as long as she stayed on the opposite end of the room, Maia was fine. So it was ony when she needed to change her diaper that Maia got fussy.
I can't believe it, though. She's finally at daycare. My little girl is out socializing at what I consider to be a version of school. Of course, our plan was to have her at daycare a lot sooner than this. We were going to put her in back in September, when she was 5 or so months. But we were waiting for Matt to get a job. And kept waiting. And we are still waiting for him to get a job (sucks), but we didn't want to keep putting off her introduction to daycare. She is starting to become clingy, and leary of strangers, and so we wanted to get her into a different environment. Also, she is at a point where she could use learning what daycare has to teach her. AND it gives Matt a break, gives him a chance to do some of the things that he needs to concentrate on. So...daycare it is. And hopefully she won't be hit by all the nasty germs too hard or quickly. Liam was sick his second week of daycare...hopefully she will fare better.

Sorry, rambling. Tired. Leaving now.

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