Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pictures/Updates of Maia

Okay, I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to at least get a lot of pictures up of Maia, as well as some basic updates.
I think she weighs somewhere over 16 lbs, but not sure. She slowed down, so she's kind of hanging around that mark. Still has the huge chunky thighs. She had one tooth pop in, which I posted about. No others so far. She sits upright without any problem, though she sometimes leans too far over and keels over, so we still tend to put something soft behind her so she doesn't bump her head. She is in love with Liam and laughs/smiles at him all the time. She loves banging things around, especially noisy toys. She makes lots of different sounds, and even tries mimicking sounds that you make if she can figure it out. She has started a head-wobbling motion that might be her trying to dance. If you do it in front of her, she will try to mimick's adorable. She isn't doing the belly laughs that Liam was doing at this age, but she does's more of a screeching laugh, if she really gets into it.
Sleep...well, let's just say she still hasn't gotten regular on this. One night will be great, another will have her waking up many times and wanting to be held, and some she only wakes up once and just wants the pacifier. *sigh* I wish we could get this part figured out. Liam was great at sleeping. *yawn*

Okay, the barage of pictures. Sorry to just throw them out at you, but I should be getting to work. So here they are, not in any particular order.
Some Halloween-related pictures.

Other cute pictures. Here is Maia with her "sword"

Playing with "Kraken"

Enjoy the cute...

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