Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Monday, June 6, 2011

Six Week Sweetie

Maia is now 6 weeks old (well, she was a few days ago, but close enough). I haven't posted about her in a little while, so figured I would do that, with another round of pictures, as well as updates about her.

She is smiling more, though it's still very random as she is still trying to figure it out. I can see her working her mouth, and she is either trying to get out a smile (and sometimes does), or trying to "talk", which happens sometimes as well. Her talking is so cute...just this little "ahhh" sound, though today she managed a sound with three syllables. And her smiles are adorable, as clumsy as they are. So far Liam, Daddy, a SCAdian named Ian, and myself have gotten smiles. But then, she hasn't been around anyone else enough to smile at them.

There is a cow hanging from her pack-n-play mobile (well, it's a stuffed cow from Chick-fil-A that Matt stuck up there), and she will STARE at it intently and then waggle her near arm at it in an attempt to smack it, which she often does. It's cool to watch her do it, to see her "playing" and learning.

Last time I weighed her (a few days ago) she was 9lbs 10oz. She is starting to have trouble fitting the newborn size clothing, and she has been wearing Size 1 diapers for at least a week or two now, having graduated out of the Newborn size.

Liam is still pretty happy with her, liking to be around her, trying to show her things, and giggling about her hands or feet or nose or whatever amuses him at the time. He tends to get more needy when we are giving her attention and tends to want to talk to or play with the parent that is holding her at the time. It can be trying, but we do our best.

Here I got a picture of Liam's and Maia's feet together. He found it amusing to hold his up to hers in comparison (he initiated this). So much difference in just four years.

Had to get this cute picture of Matt zonked out with Maia.

Here's Maia with her Aunt Jackie (I need to remember to take more of Maia with her other aunties...Jackie seems to have the monopoly on this)

And here is the dress that Jackie bought for her...Maia is expressing her opinion of it's 80's look.

Just kidding, she was just in a fussy mood at that point. She makes the dress look cute, and is quite content to zonk out in it.

Didn't get too many of her at our Memorial Day BBQ for some reason, even though there were lots of cute photo ops. But here is one of her chilling outside.

And here is her after her bath, all covered in towels. So cute.

And of course, since I am the one usually taking pictures, I am rarely in any of them. Here she is lying on my lap...with me taking the picture, so again you can't really see me (just my belly flab...sorry).

And finally, some pictures with Grandmom, who is as addicted to her as she was of Liam. (and Cole)

(Note: I am posting a few updates regarding my post-partum recovery as well, to have something to refer back to. Not that I ever plan to get pregnant again. But others will be pregnant and might want to know.
The night sweats have pretty much stopped. They actually petered off about two weeks ago, and definitely have been scarce the last week. The soreness from the episiotomy itself went away around the 3-week mark but there was still an area that was healing that stung a lot, and that only really started feeling better just before the 5-week mark. Now at the 6-week mark it is definitely a lot better, and I found that on days where I take it easy more, I hardly even notice it bothering me.)

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