Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Tonight Maia learned how to scootch (not sure how that is spelled...looks wrong no matter what) herself off the foyer landing to get down in the family room. And she was darn proud of herself. It's only one step down, but it's a third of her height so she hasn't been able to negotiate it going down. She usually stands there and makes her "help me" whining sound until we help her down. She had done this a few times, and then suddenly decided to sit down near the edge...and then scootch herself over to the edge until her legs were dangling and her toes could touch the carpet...and then she was standing up. And we cheered for her and she got so immensely proud of herself that she squealed and clasped her hands and did a happy wiggle-dance! And then she did it about a dozen more times. I have video of her doing this, but not sure if it's too big to post up here. I'll have to try it when I have gotten it off the phone and have time, so check back in a few days.

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