Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Monday, September 17, 2012

Little SCAdian

This past weekend, we went to Lakewood Ren Faire, which is an event/demo hosted by the Barony of Carillion and the local Lions Club. I always love this event, because the weather is usually good early autumn weather, and the location is nice. It gives a good flavor of the SCA while being laid back, so I can just hang out and knit (or spin) and enjoy the kids. (and it's free to SCAdians).

The kids always enjoy the events, and I took so many cute pictures of Maia running around. It was hard to choose among them all, but I didn't want to bore people with dozens of pictures that look very similar, but with different stances and cute smiles. I managed to whittle it down to around a dozen.

She enjoyed the freedom of running around in a wide-open space

She was very amused with the banner hanging from the EZ-Up next to ours

Especially because it kept blowing in the breeze

She was greatly amused by this

She was very comfy in her own little chair 

She enjoyed playing at the playground

Later, she enjoyed some quality time with Daddy, admiring his Sable Gauntlet medallion

Of course, there was a break for graham crackers

She gave fencing a try

My little lady even found a gentleman fighter to wish well in battle

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