She is forming a few more words. We can't get her to say please, but we can get her to say "Puh", as in the sound that the letter "P" makes. She will mimic a few animals sounds, like horses, cows, cats, dogs, and sheep. They all sound somewhat similar, but there is a difference. She also says "apple" very clearly. She keeps changing how she says Liam, at first it sounding more like "dedeh", and I think now it's closer to "eheh". Not sure if she really is trying to say it, but I think so. She has also taking to rolling her tongue when talking, which makes interesting sounds (and very cute ones).
It's kind of hard to get her to stand straight and sit still for measuring, so I don't know how tall she is. But she weighs 20lbs 8oz.
She tries to climb up everything and is becoming way too comfortable with her environment, clambering on stairs without too much concern (we are right there with her, but REALLY need to be within a hands' reach). She is constantly trying to climb up on the couch and loves it when Liam pushes one of the little chairs up against the couch, because she can use it as a stepping stone to get up there. But I've seen her twice try to put her leg up to climb onto the arm of the couch...which would mean a drop off the other side onto the floor. And one end of the couch is up against the gate, with hardwood on the other that one in the bud. Liam has been instructed to avoid moving the chairs near the couch.
She likes running when she is outside, and is getting better at it. She also runs if you growl at her while on the floor, as if you are going to chase her, although if you keep chasing her, she will turn and brace herself. heh.
Oh, she has an obsession with spray paint on sidewalks. You know how utility workers will spray dots or markings on sidewalks? Maia cannot resist stopping every time she sees one, to crouch and point at it, and babble something about it.
I am starting to call her Mama Maia, because she LOVES stuffed animals of all kinds, hugging them to her constantly. And at Daycare, she has "adopted" a baby doll that she carries with her everywhere. During mealtimes, she "feeds" the baby, and she will often put it in a swing during playtime. Apparently the staff got a little highchair and cradle for the baby so that Maia can use those.
Maia still loves playing with her brother, but she is also less tolerant of his rambunctious behavior. One minute she thinks it is hilarious that he is bumping into her and knocking her over, and then the next she is done with that and getting very annoyed at him. She is starting to really want her own space, and wanting to play in her own way. And she is less into sharing, which causes an issue when Liam takes a toy near her that apparently she wanted to stay there. I told him to prepare himself, since she seems to be entering her "terrible twos" early. But at least they still mostly have fun together.
I am sure there is so much more I am forgetting to write about my little cutie-patootie, but it's late and I am tired. So here is just one more, with her very first hair clip. Her hair was starting to get into her eyes, but it was too thin and wispy to clip back. It's finally thick enough to do that...mostly. Slips out after a while, but at least it's something. And she is so cute with it. She looks less like a baby with it, and more like a little girl. And I guess now she really isn't a baby anymore, but a toddler. My little toddler. Wow.
Something Maia loves is to see herself on the iPhone Skype/Facetime camera. She often won't stay put for a picture, but instead comes straight over to my side and points at the phone. So I have to "flip" the camera so she can see herself. She LOVES to wave at herself, and often crouches down and laughs with amusement.
"Oooo, mommy has the camera"
"Hey, let me see"
"THERE I am!"
And apparently she taught herself how to back down stairs. She does it so quickly I have to wonder if they have a set of stairs stashed away at daycare for her to practice on. I stay right there with her, of course, but she gets down on hands and knees, and slides one leg over the edge and down until she feels the step, then does the same with the other one, then kneels, and starts the sliding again. And she does it super quick, as if she is in a race. I have no clue where she learned to do that, and so quickly. She is WAY too brave. I am proud of her...but understandably nervous. Eep.
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