Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Monday, May 16, 2011

Three weeks old

I am a few days late with this, but it's hard to find time to do stuff, and when I did find time, other things were more important. Today Maia is 3 weeks 2 days. Two days ago she weighed 8lbs 6oz (or maybe 8oz, my scale couldn't decide). Meaning she gained at least 8oz in 7 days, so she is definitely on par with keeping up her weight, even keeping on the heavier side. No worries there. Her baby acne is starting to diminish some, but her fussiness is not. Sleep is very sparse here at casa de Miller. *sigh* Matt and I are taking shifts throughout the night so that we get SOME sleep. I feel like I have no routine and more than half of my day is spent in a daze. Don't like that. I am a planner that thrives on routine. *sigh* So send some non-gassy, lots of sleep vibes our way. And if you are local, feel free to arrange small visits where you can hold Maia during the day so we can get some stuff done.

Anyway, I am about to throw a lot of cute pictures of Maia your way. Enjoy!
(I LOVE the ones of her on the boppy, with her tiny tush up in the air!)

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