Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lovely Little Maia

Time for another dose of Maia. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter somehow, even though she really isn't changing as far as I can tell.
Here are more charming pictures of her with her brother, who is most definitely smitten with her tiny little feet.

(I swear, Liam was thrilled to hold her, he ASKED to hold her, we just never caught him smiling when we took pictures. He was too enthralled with her).

Here are some of Maia with Liam and Mommy, and Liam and Sue K.

Here is a good picture of Maia with Sue K., who is visiting from San Diego.

I've noticed that we don't seem to have too many pictures of Maia with Mommy or Daddy, but especially not with Mommy. I guess because I am more inclined to take pictures, so I will take them of Matt (and others). Matt doesn't tend to remember to grab the camera and I often have to remind him, and when I am holding Maia, I am not usually thinking about having a picture taken. I will have to try to think about it more. *smile*
Here is one of Maia and Daddy, though.

And finally, some pictures of lovely little Maia all by herself. Isn't she sweet?! She just makes me melt. How did we create something so cute? *smile*
(okay, the one does have her looking a little cross-eyed...but she is still cute in it.)

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