Maia's Ticker

Maia's Ticker

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Celebrating Three Months

Okay, I am almost a week late on posting this, but I've just gotten so darn busy. Maia is going through some needy patches, and I have a huge list of things I am trying to do before I have to return to work in less than two weeks. I probably won't be posting as often as I would like, at least with pictures. Sorry. Given that I have three blogs to maintain, plus a website that is sadly out of date, it's a lot. And that's just the web-presence I have. So, please continue checking in for updates, but just know that they will be fewer, and not as many pictures.

So, let's see. Maia is "talking" a lot now. She is great with the smiling, and once or twice has made sounds of happiness that are probably the beginnings of laughing. She rolls from her back to her sides a lot, and has come close to actually rolling all the way over. She rotates around while laying down, as well. Often we'll lay her in her crib or pack-n-play and come back to find her oriented in a complete 180 degrees difference. She is getting more chunkier in the thighs, and weighed about 12-lbs 5-oz last time I checked (about 3 days ago). She is hit or miss with nights. She sleeps through good chunks of the night, but it seems to depend on when we lay her down finally. If I feed her close to 11pm, she seems to go a good stretch, although lately she has woken up around 5am. Last night I fed her around 9:30 and tried to go to bed by 10 myself, and she woke back up and wouldn't go back to sleep without Matt holding her and laying her on her belly to start off with. *sigh* I really wish she would get more regular. Liam was by this point. *sigh*

Picture time!
Daddy, holding Maia in her Maya wrap.

Here we are at an SCA event (Toys For Tots)

Big brother Liam loves playing on the playmat with his little sister.

He also loves reading to her, especially "Peter Pan"

I just couldn't catch that smile of hers...too quick for me.

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