So…started back at work, which means it harder to find time to post. But I am determined to keep up with it, especially in the beginning, when so much stuff will be happening with Maia.
My little girl is now 3.5 months old, or 16 weeks (tomorrow). She isn’t talking quite so much now, probably because she is busy discovering and trying out new things. She is more into manipulating her environment now. When we put her on the playmat, she kicks at the arches and jiggles all the toys hanging from it, watching them move. She will roll onto her side to see what else she might be able to touch. Sometimes she rolls onto her belly and lifts up her chest and head to look around at things. If you put something grab-able within her reach, she will stare at it and then attempt to grasp it. If she manages to get it, she shoves it into her mouth and gums it, spreading drool everywhere. She tends to grab her clothes right under her chin and attempts to stick it in her mouth. If the clothing is loose enough, like her sleep sack, she does a pretty good job of getting it in there and saturating it. Heh. She drools more than a Saint Bernard (though not as much as cousin Cole).
She is rolling from back to front pretty steadily now. It still takes some effort, but she does it a lot. She is always on her belly when we get her up after sleep at night. She does it while on her play mat. Apparently she is ahead of the game on this. Liam wasn’t doing this until at least four months, and even that was on the early side. It’s pretty cool.
She has also started laughing a bit. Not a lot, but over the last few days we’ve managed to get her to let out a few clumsy laughs that are pretty cute. It’s like she doesn’t know how to make the sound quite right but is trying with all her might. So it almost sounds like a forced fake laugh…except that she is too young to do that so it’s genuine. When she doesn’t manage the laugh, she has this huge wide-open-mouth smile that takes up half her face. Totally cute. And of course, she smiles a lot, and I just love it when she gets so excited and happy that she smiles widely and looks away from you with a little wiggle of her body…as if she just can’t contain the joy and is overcome with it. It makes me want to scoop her up and hug her tight (she isn’t too fond of the squeezing tight thing, though)
Big Brother Liam likes playing with her, interacting with her, even taking care of her. He will often talk to her, read to her, and show her toys. If she is fussy, he will sometimes try to cheer her up or distract her. He will wipe up her drool if he notices it (sometimes), and sometimes he berates me for making her cry if he comes to the conclusion that I must be causing it somehow. And as long as she is not super cranky, she loves looking at him and talking to him.
She now weighs 13-lbs 2-oz. Still has the chunky thighs, and a definite double chin when she scrunches down. But I wouldn't say she was overly chunky...just perfect.
She unfortunately is beset by eczema and we have to try to keep up with that so that it doesn’t bother her so much. Looks kind of horrible, her arms and legs all scaly and patchy. Hopefully it isn’t itching her and making her more cranky. She is cranky enough without that. Although she has gotten better. She isn’t quite as gassy now, and she no longer seems to require us to walk around continuously in the evening, holding her. Now you can sit her in your lap, or on the edge of a surface (couch, bed, table) and talk with her, look at her, let her look around. And MOST of the time she is good with that.
As for sleeping…well, that’s not as steady as I would like it to be…but I also know it could be worse. She sleeps solidly for the most part, just not always as long as I would like. I feed her anywhere between 10:00 and 11:00pm. Any earlier and it she just wakes up again in an hour or two. Then she either sleeps through the night and wakes up after 7am. Or she wakes up anywhere between 3:00 and 5:30am. The last few nights it’s been in the area of 5:00. *sigh* Since I can’t get to sleep until after her last feeding, that means that most of the time I am only getting 5 or 6 hours before she wakes me. And I don’t really get much more sleep after she is done, since my alarm goes off for work at 6:30. *sigh*I am hoping that soon she will sleep straight through until I am ready to get up, and that I can shift her an hour earlier. I would LOVE to feed her at 9:30, be in bed by 10:00, wake up at 6:30 and feed her sometime between 6:30 and when I want to ideally leave at 7:45. I've told her about my wishes a few times, but she has ignored me so far. *huge sigh* She always flashes one of those grins that melts my heart and makes me forget what I was saying.
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